4-Week Private, Live, Online Grief Support Program

Click here to Enroll Now

When the pain is too much…

and you’re not sure how you can go on…

I want you to remember, that there IS life after loss.

While it is not the life you planned for, hoped for and worked for…

It is a life worth living.

While you may feel it’s impossible to get over your losses, I’m here to tell you that you don’t have to “get over” anything.

You see, some broken hearts will only be truly mended in heaven.

But you still have time here on earth.

I know what it’s like to suffer multiple losses…of loved ones, animals, financial security, health, relationships, trust..

to feel that the world as you know it has been turned upside down…

to feel as if you’re drowning and can’t breathe…

to want to run from the reality of what happened…

to wish you could have changed things.

As you’re feeling outrage, despair, regret, anguish, disbelief…

Remember your feelings are normal, natural and valid.

And also painful. Overwhelmingly so.

Whether you have suffered a loss recently, or decades ago, there is always room for more healing.

And I’m here to support you every step of the way.

You don’t have to grieve alone.

I’ll show you how you can let your “sorrows be sorrows” — without drowning in the river of pain.

I’ll be there to listen to your story (if you want to share) and be right by your side as you take each step toward creating a new and different life.

Life After Loss: Enroll Today

Join us in this 4-week private, live online program offering support and encouragement in a caring community, with prayer and practical steps to help you as you grieve your losses and ultimately begin to create a new life.

May 9-30, 2024
Thursdays (90 minutes)
1 pm Pacific/4 pm Eastern

We meet online in a private, confidential, live format. Each session runs for 90 minutes.
The sessions are recorded for your convenience. These sessions are NOT to be shared with anyone outside of our program, and each participant is expected to honor the confidentiality of the personal information shared by other participants.

What you can expect:
A caring group of supportive individuals grieving and healing from losses.
Anonymity if you prefer.
You do not appear on camera (unless you request it).
You can share your story (or not) in our private written chat, or request to come on screen for a brief time.

Specific strategies and tools to help you with:

  • acknowledging and accepting your losses

  • processing and releasing anger, sorrow, regret, frustration

  • dealing with what if’s, guilt and blame

  • improving your own self care

  • embracing the gifts of grief

  • integrating your losses into your new and different life

  • finding purpose and meaning as you create your own life after loss

Enrollment fee:
$95 for the entire course. Click here to enroll now. If this is a financial hardship, please email my assistant Olivia to find out about a reduced payment.

Why we charge for this service: It’s been our experience that participants are more motivated and involved when they invest in their learning, growth and healing. It is our hope and prayer that this ministry will be a source of blessed healing for you. If you are able to bless others with a scholarship to attend, please email Olivia to find out how.

About your Teachers

Peggy Hall is no stranger to grief, having experienced multiple losses of family, friends and beloved pets. As a trained lay counselor, she has spent years in grief-share settings as both a participant and facilitator. A lifelong educator and encouragement coach, Peggy has dedicated her life to teaching and inspiring others to develop optimism and determination to handle the stormy seas of life and look forward to brighter days ahead.

David Hall is an ordained Christian pastor who specializes in care for the soul. In addition to preaching and teaching, Pastor David is the founder of One True Hope Church and is a trained lay counselor with years of experience in supporting those who are struggling with grief, loss and unresolved emotional wounds. Pastor David’s warm, caring and compassionate approach is Christ-centered, with Biblical insights into the nature of suffering and finding the true source of emotional and spiritual healing and peace.

Note: You do not have to be a Christian or a person of faith to participate in the Life After Loss program. All are warmly welcomed. Peggy and Pastor David are not psychologists or licensed therapists. They are here to provide a caring, supportive environment for grieving individuals to provide empathy, prayer and practical tools for healing.

IMPORTANT: If you are overwhelmed and in need of immediate support, please click here for the suicide and crisis lifeline, for you or a loved one.

Click here to Enroll Now

Dear one,

I know what it’s like to be drowning in the river of sorrow, to struggle just to breathe and live one more day, to try to find the strength, courage and perseverance that is needed to face and experience devastating loss.

I may not be able to help you fully mend your broken heart. Some broken hearts will only be mended in heaven. But I will be there with you, beside you, offering support, guidance, prayer, caring, compassion, empathy and understanding as you express, process, and integrate your losses into your life so that you can not only endure, but even enjoy life again. Maybe that is not your goal. Maybe you just want to be able to get through each day until God calls you home. Your goals may change. Be open to those changes, and so will I.

with hugs and understanding, and prayers for your healing and peace,
~ Peggy